
Patrick McDonnell Artist

Patrick McDonnell is a figurative artist who uses old master’s techniques to create unique realistic art.  From a young age he took lessons with the late Mr Siegfried Hahn - winner of the Turner Gold Medal - and Howard Wexler. They taught him the old master techniques of painting using the Jacques Maroger Medium. Patrick paints “en plein air.”

Awarded a scholarship from Hallmark Cards, he pursued his education at the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota Florida. 

Accepted into the Paris Ecole des Beaux Arts and later the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs where he became adept at fresco painting and etching. He was awarded the Harriet Hale Wooley Scholarship to live and work as an artist in resident at the Foundation des Etats-Unis in Paris. Patrick’s work can be found in both private and public collections. 

After obtaining a Master of Arts degree he worked as a medical illustrator. He practiced his profession all over the world; USA, France and Canada. Now retired, he devotes his time to painting, photography and videography. (Click on Videos to view)

“There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.” Leonardo da Vinci